Tag: Faiz

Surah Yasin Read and Listen Online — Faiz e Islam

Surah Yasin, or the heart of the Holy Quran, is the 36th surah of the Al-Quran that consists of 83 verses and was revealed in Makkah. The prime theme and explanation of this surah relate to Allah’s sovereignty and the belief in the life hereafter. Surah Yasin is also termed a...

Surah Al Waqiah — Faiz e Islam

Among the 114 surahs in Holy Quran, Surah Waqiah is the 56th surah of the Quran that was revealed in Makkah 7 years before the Hijrah. It comprises 96 verses and is located in the 27th para. The word Waqiah means ‘an event.’ The main explanation of this chapter is the afterl...