Tag: Failing

Agile Retrospectives Keep Failing. Here’s Why

Are your sprint retrospectives a nightmare of silence? Mine sure are, as nobody gives seems to have any enthusiasm for doing a good job and pushing features out to customers. I think the constant refrain at work is why bother! In this article, I’d like to explore what is going wrong,...

The Do-it-yourself Pension (the 401k) Is Failing Retirees

401k’s became a widespread phenomenon in the early 80's. Prior to these tax-advantaged retirement vehicles people were primarily relying on company pensions for their retirement (which were great). However, 401k plans became much more popular with employers because they were che...

Failing upwards: Chapter 3 of Surviving DEI at Adyen N.V.

Before The Study Group, Obi and I had very different career paths. Back in the UK, Obi worked for himself straight out of university, setting up his own video production company and building his portfolio to include international sports, arts and fashion brands. I was working for a regional ...

Biden’s Failing Black Support: Broken Promises and the Same Old Play

So, President Joe Biden is back in South Carolina. Remember, this is where he got that big boost in 2020. But now? His support among Black folks is hitting rock bottom. And guess what he’s up to — launching this national police database. Yep, that same promise he made way back when he wa...

5 reasons why you’re failing as an ally

You make excuses for your racist friends/family. There’s no excusing racism. Yes, it’s harder to address with people you love, but this is the work. If you let it slide, you’re complicit. Period. Either you’re anti-racist or you’re not. You can’t pick and cho...

Failing Chinese is…good for you?

You hate failure, I hate failure, we all hate failure. Or rather, what we hate is the FEELING that failure brings us. It makes you feel like a loser, makes you want to crawl under a rock and hide for a jillion years. But what if you looked at failure from another direction? Failure isn&r...