Tag: factors

Why People Seem to Be More Successful Than You

Do you ever find yourself scrolling through social media, wondering how you’re not as successful as others? It can feel intimidating to see people living their best lives with luxurious vacations, over-the-top weddings, or reaching incredible milestones like homeownership. You can’t e...

The real estate market sentiment in Abu Dhabi has improved during 2021, supported by several factors

The real estate consultancy firm Valustrat said that the real estate sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi will benefit from several key factors, such as the acceleration of vaccination against Corona, the recovery of the non-oil economy, and the growth of hotel demand by supporting the recep...

Why Your Manifestation Isn’t Working: Hidden Factors

You know, we live in a world where manifesting your dreams has become as trendy as avocado toast. We’re all trying to harness the power of the universe to bring our desires to life. And while the internet is flooded with success stories, there’s a darker, less discussed side to this whol...

7 Factors That Affect Your Thinking

Occupation/Profession: How does a hammer see the world? To what extent does your job or profession affect your view of life, human nature, and yourself by predisposing you to see everyone and everything through its prism? What do doctors, bankers, psychologists, lawyers, musicians, policem...

Palmless Palm Oil, China Embraces GMOs, and Cultivated Pork From Microalgae-Based Growth Factors

The company achieved a substantial yield of cultivated beef in a process that was 100% serum-free. This production scale is expected to be the standard for commercialization post-regulatory approval, with the capacity to produce thousands of SCiFi Burgers monthly. SCiFi has addressed a key indust...

Genetic Factors Influencing Stress Susceptibility

Stress is a ubiquitous part of human life, and its impact on mental and physical health is well-established. While environmental factors play a significant role in stress susceptibility, emerging research highlights the intricate interplay between genetics and stress response. Genetic factors ...

The Impact of Cultural Factors on IQ Testing

The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is often viewed as a definitive measure of cognitive abilities and potential. However, IQ tests may not be as impartial as they seem, with cultural factors significantly shaping test outcomes. This impact affects the fairness and accuracy of IQ testing across different...