Tag: expressions

My ten-year quest for concise lambda expressions in Java

I started learning Java in 1997. I thought initially Java would be a fad and that Smalltalk would emerge as the victor in the battle for object-oriented programmer productivity over C++. I was wrong. In the great object-oriented battles in the 1990s between C++ and Smalltalk, Java emerged as the vic...

Loomis method to draw human facial expressions like a Pro!

Sometimes while thinking over to any fascinating idea we tend to put down our subconscious thoughts on to paper in the form of doodle or sketch. And when the outcome actually represents what we thought of, it becomes a master piece (at least to oneself). But to get in there, giving shape and form...

Rational Expressions

We know that in the dominator, the x can't be -6 or -4 because the dominator mustn't be zero. And -6 and -4 makes discontinuities of the function. Further more, we could CANCEL OUT (x+4) from both numerator and dominato...