Tag: Experiments

From Experiments to Deployment : MLflow 101 | Part 01

The Why Picture this: You’ve got a brand new business idea, and the data you need is right at your fingertips. You’re all pumped up to dive into creating that fantastic machine-learning model . But, let’s be real, this journey is no cakewalk! You’ll be experimenting like c...

How My Experiments With Writing Are Paying Off

My Muse I’m just wearing my short skirt, your favorite, by the way, nothing else. But you can’t see anything because the top sheet is covering my body. As you join me on the bed, I tenderly stroke the side of your face reveling in the desire and love reflected in your eyes. I li...


I am sort of sticking this in to the end of my day, like a rushed cup of coffee or push ups and sit ups between meetings. But each experiment i do teaches me something new — to make a truly banal comment. I am thinking about creating a format for these writeups so they are less idiosycratic...

My Simple Travel Self-Experiment and What It Revealed About Me

Last April, I went on my first solo trip and decided to do a self-experiment. I brought a disposable film camera, the Fujifilm Simple Ace, and asked myself: Knowing I only had 27 shots, what would I capture? What things, places, or scenes would I strongly want to hold in my hand? And what wo...

How The Tuskegee Experiments Still Impact Trust For Medical Industry

While all doctors take the Hippocratic oath and pledge to “do no harm,” the systemic mistreatment of Black patients throughout American history reveals this as a broken promise. From J. Marion Sims, the so-called “Father of Gynecology,” who experimented on enslaved Black wome...

Statistical Experiments With Resampling

Most people working with data make observations and then wonder whether these observations are statistically significant. And unless one has some formal training on statistical inference and past experience in running significance tests, the first thought that comes to mind is to find a statistician...