Tag: everyday

3 reasons to get up early everyday.

Are you a Leader aspiring to be a CXO? then this article is for you. Congratulations on reaching where you are in your journey. You are now poised to take that leap into the executive level, but as you may know, a corporate career is like a pyramid and it keeps getting narrower as you move up. If...

Street Art & Everyday Artists

I had a friend two or three lifetimes ago who created characters like the dude on the right. His name was Geoph and I often wonder where he is and what ever happened with his artwork. (I’ve googled, binged, and facebooked … nada.) KC Mural (Photo Credit: Author) There is ...

A Three-legged Chihuahua Is My Everyday Hero

In a bustling downtown Toronto neighborhood, there’s a Chihuahua with three legs — two legs at the front and one at the back. Unyielding, it treks along with its crew; two larger dogs lead, with their human in the middle holding on to three leashes, and the tiny Chihuahua trailing beh...

7 Ways to Be More Inclusive in Your Everyday Life

The good news is that improvement is easy and change always starts with us. It is common to think that an inclusive model of behaviour has to do with others. Instead, it is important to start from ourselves and our own level of awareness, openness, and information on the subject. The mo...

Eyes on everyday design

Where everyday products are optimized with a view to improving the experience, I find myself, as a user, confronted with very specific questions in my use. For a moment, I’m going to have some fun reversing the roles. Put myself in the user’s shoes, because that’s what really ma...