Tag: equivalent

As a Senior engineer, how do I know if I’m operating at the Staff level?

When you’re a senior-level engineer (i.e., focused on being impactful in a single team), it’s hard to tell how far you are from being Staff+ in impact. Here are a few questions I ask folks around heuristics that can indicate when you’re near or at a Staff+ level. Does it feel li...

Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden is Japan’s Central Park equivalent

In the same way that New York’s Central Park showcases natural beauty with cityscape backdrops, Shinjuku Gyoen delivers a similar vibe. Located in the heart of Tokyo’s major city of Shinjuku, the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden is home to a beautiful display of thoroughly kempt tre...

Unmasking Exploitation with the Monetary Equivalent of Labour Time

If your boss makes a dollar, you make a dime. That’s why you analyze the links between social class and exploitation on company time. Rather than treating objective social class as some function of income, education, and occupation, we’re going to begin with capitalist exploitation in th...