Tag: Entering

We’re Entering A Time Of Quick And Unprecedented Change No One Is Ready For

About twenty-five hundred years ago a grouchy philosopher named Heraclitus is credited with saying Panta Rhei, or “life is flux.” By this he meant the only constant for humanity is change. Obviously, this ancient Greek was wise beyond his years. But even the far-th...

Windows 11 entering Year 3: Still incomplete, still unnecessary

So yes, it’s been two years already: Microsoft officially launched Windows 11 on October 5th, 2021 after four months of confusion and drama the likes of which had never surrounded the release of a consumer operating system before. The latest Windows version was offered to Windows 10 users as a...

Young Guns Entering The Playoffs: Orlando Magic & Oklahoma City Thunder

Springtime is always the best for basketball fans. The weather warms up so that means hoopers can play out at the park or in their driveway. But also there are high-level hoops from College to the NBA. The NCAA Tournament has wrapped up where we saw UConn and South Carolina cut the nets as National ...