Tag: Enigma

The Bosnian Pyramids: A Controversial Enigma

The Bosnian Pyramids, which are close to the town of Visoko, are at the centre of an incredible argument that casts doubt on accepted wisdom on ancient civilizations and their remarkable accomplishments. The tale starts in 2005 when Bosnian researcher Semir Osmanagić conjectured that an old pyramid...

Easter Island: a Remote Enigma

The most well-known residents of Easter Island are the recognisable Moai, which are monolithic stone statues with recognisable human features. These massive, enigmatic figures, which were carved by the Rapa Nui people between the 13th and 16th centuries, watch over the island in silence. Numerous th...

The Feline Enigma: How Cats Paved Their Own Path to Our Hearts

In the tale of human-animal relationships, one enigmatic creature stands apart — the cat. While history narrates tales of humans domesticating various beasts, the cat, in its feline finesse, chose an unconventional path, embedding itself in our lives on its own terms. Photo by Pact...

The Enigma of Time

Throughout human history, the concept of time has been as elusive as it is fundamental to our understanding of existence. From the ancient myths that sought to explain the passage of days and nights to the cutting-edge theories of modern cosmology, the question of whether time has a definitive or...

Unlocking the Enigma of THCP: A Deep Dive into Cannabis’s Latest Marvel

In the dynamic realm of the cannabis industry, where THC and CBD reign supreme, a captivating revelation has emerged, eclipsing the spotlight. Enter THCP (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol), unveiled in 2019 alongside its counterpart THCB. Amidst the burgeoning interest, initial studies propose that THCP, wit...

Christ Oil: A Neuroscientific Enigma

The Sacred Secretion, commonly also called chrism or oil of Christ, is a secretion that pertains to internal alchemy in the body. It is the process undertaken by the biological body, in response to astronomical interferences, to release natural chemicals that are charged and modified to provide the ...

The Enduring Enigma of Stonehenge

A Monument Frozen in Time Imagine a landscape dominated by towering stones, aligned in perfect harmony with the heavens. This is the essence of Stonehenge. The monument, composed of massive megaliths arranged in a circular pattern, is a testament to the remarkable engineering prowess of its build...

The OpenAI Enigma: Decoding Elon Musk’s War on “Closed” AI

In a move that sent shockwaves through the tech world, Elon Musk, the maverick CEO of Tesla and Twitter, recently took a scathing jab at OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research company co-founded by Sam Altman. Musk’s latest salvo came in the form of a provocative tweet, where he shared a...