Tag: England

#HoodooEdition: A Conversation with the New England Hoodoo Society

Hoodoo, often confused with its related Haitian counterpart (vodou) and drawing from West African vodun, takes on a great many masks. In history, Hoodoo has been misaddressed as sinister witchcraft; in popular culture and media, the practice and spirituality have alternately become haunting specters...

‘Nice but not kind’ vs ‘kind but not nice’ — A Californian’s take on California vs New England

Ever since my wife and I returned with our baby to Marin County, CA back in February of this year following our delightful two year stint in New England, we often get asked what we loved most about it there; more cynically, we get asked whether we returned because we didn’t like it. The tru...

The New England Patriots Are Much Better This Year. They Still Won’t Make the Playoffs.

An 8–9 season, the product of an elite defense and a shitty offense, usually presents itself in the form of quiet mediocrity. It’s the stuff of ballclubs like the Washington Commanders, Cleveland Browns, and New York Jets, franchises known for constantly shuffling a deck of nondescript h...

Why I might stay in England

It’s no secret that I am not satisfied living in the UK, one of my most popular posts on Medium is about why I want to leave. But I don’t want to leave if I don’t have to, I would like to find a compromise where I could stay. This post was supposed to be a response to my post ab...

Baby Beaver Makes History in England

A baby beaver has been born in Enfield, London, for the first time since they were hunted to extinction in England around 400 years ago. Born in September, the kit and its parents are part of London’s first beaver reintroduction program that began in 2022. The birth is great news for the pr...

How the Church of England Made Billions Off the Transatlantic Slave Trade

The murder of George Floyd in May of 2020 was an unspeakable tragedy that sent shockwaves around the world and revived the “Black Lives Matter” movement. The incident brought issues like racial discrimination and injustices towards people of color back into the limelight like never befor...

The First Anti-Promethean Rebellion Of Modernity in England

On 9th October 1779, a group of English textile workers in Manchester rebelled against the introduction of machinery which threatened their skilled craft. And so began the first anti-Promethean rebellion of modernity against the will of the Father and its economic application through the early st...