Tag: embeddings

Introducing txtai, the all-in-one embeddings database

This is an updated version of the original article. Search is the base of many applications. Once data starts to pile up, users want to be able to find it. It’s the foundation of the internet and an ever-growing challenge that is never solved or done. The field of Natural Language P...

Introducing txtai, the all-in-one embeddings database

Search is the base of many applications. Once data starts to pile up, users want to be able to find it. It’s the foundation of the internet and an ever-growing challenge that is never solved or done. The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is rapidly evolving with a number of new dev...

All You Need to Know to Build Your First LLM App

If you are just looking for a short tutorial that explains how to build a simple LLM application, you can skip to section “6. Creating a Vector store”, there you have all the code snippets you need to build up a minimalistic LLM app with vector store, prompt template and LLM call. ...

Text Preprocessing Part — 2

Text preprocessing is an integral part of Natural Language Processing as no machine learning model can process textual data directly. In this part we will see in detail about the different Text Vectorization mechanisms that the AI developers community has to offer… I would suggest you to read...