Tag: Embedded

Nine Rules for Running Rust on the Web and on Embedded

I recommend Rust when you want the speed of C++ and the memory-safety of Python. On top of that, with Rust you can build on more than 100,000 software libraries. In addition, Rust offers the potential of running your code not just on a conventional computer, but also inside a web page or even o...

Systematically Detecting Packet Validation Vulnerabilities in Embedded Network Stacks

This is a brief for the research paper “Systematically Detecting Packet Validation Vulnerabilities in Embedded Network Stacks”, published in the technical track of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023). This work was led by Paschal Amusuo. The full pap...

“No Hats Allowed” — A Euro-Centric Tradition that Upholds the Racist Practices Embedded in Colonialism

As you enter the school you see signs that state, “Please Remove Your Hat” and “We Are a Hat-Free School.” Yet a Black student came to class wearing a durag. I spoke with my administrator regarding the incident to say that I did not want him to feel as though I was racially p...