Tag: Elements

Exploring the 7 Elements of Shibumi

As popular as mindfulness has become, the path can be elusive. Stealing a quiet moment may help us recharge, until we succumb again to our social media feeds. We cling to the next bit of information, fueled by anxiety and a near obsessive need to consume more. Any true mindfulness is fleeting. Ca...

Carbon And The Three Other Major Elements And Their Importance:

Carbon is an element which has an atomic number of 6 is also known as the backbone of organic chemistry meaning that almost all if not all reactions which occur organically must include a Carbon atom and the structure of the element is such that it has a tetrahedral shape and can form four covalent ...

Chemical Elements and Formulas — Chemical Compounds with their Corresponding Names

Chemical elements are the basic building blocks of all matter. They are pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. There are currently 118 known elements, each with its own unique set of properties. The most common way to represent chemical elements...

The Elements And When They Were First Discovered

Have you ever stopped and wondered how far back in time the first element on the Periodic Table of Elements was discovered? And how many elements had been found before the Periodic Table was created? And who exactly found all of these elements? Well, I have some answers to these burning questions. A...

What was it like when the first elements formed?

One of the most remarkable achievements in all of human history is the discovery of the scientific story of how our Universe began, evolved over time, and came to be the way it is today. Back in the very early stages of the Universe, we experienced conditions known as the hot Big Bang: where everyth...

The 9 core elements of a quality management system (QMS)

Every life science company knows that quality is of the utmost importance, but defining what quality means and aligning that definition to what regulators require and what customers need requires a systematic approach such as a quality management system. A QMS is a set of business processes that ...

Psychedelic Elements Were Already Present in The 50s

In the incessant flow of modern life, with its countless stimuli and stresses, the human mind constantly yearns for an escape. An oasis of peace in which to take refuge, even for a fleeting moment, and let oneself be carried away from daily worries. It is here that music reveals its healing power, o...