Tag: EDA

Try Seaborn : The Ultimate ‘Sea’-cret for EDA!

Data visualization is an initial step of data analysis (EDA), and Seaborn is a powerful Python library that makes it easy for us to bring out the hidden data through statistical plots. In this technical blog, we will be talking about various Seaborn plotting functions and how to use them for effecti...

Automate the exploratory data analysis (EDA) to understand the data faster and easier

EDA is one of the most important things we need to do as an approach to understand the dataset better. Almost all data analytics or data science professionals do this process before generating insights or doing data modeling. In real life, this process took a lot of time, depending on the compl...

Mastering Python for Data Analysis in Digital Marketing

In the digital marketing realm, data is the driving force behind effective decision-making. Marketers need to harness the power of data to understand consumer behavior, optimize campaigns, and stay ahead of the competition. Python, a versatile and accessible programming language, has become an inval...

Python water quality EDA and Potability analysis

Being able to provide enough fresh drinking water is a core requirement. Within the climate change debate, one of the largest challenges is ensuring enough freshwater to survive. Water quality is a big concern that impacts all the specifies. Only about three percent of Earth’s water is freshwa...

10 Automated EDA Tools That Will Save You Hours Of Work

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is the process of analyzing and summarizing the main characteristics of a data set, through visual and statistical methods. It’s an important step in the data science process that helps to understand the data, identify patterns and trends, detect outliers and an...