Tag: Eckhart

5 Eckhart Tolle Quotes That Will Transform Your Life

You’re sipping your morning coffee, trying to find your Zen amidst the chaos of everyday life. But you find it hard to concentrate as the incessant chatter in your mind takes over. You analyse the things you need to do before heading out to work. You think about the weather and how you shou...

28 Inspirational Quotes From Meister Eckhart

If Truth is eternal and God is omnipresent, then the Divine cannot be restricted or confined to one single religion or spiritual path. For much of my adult life I have considered myself Buddhist with an affinity for Zen Buddhism in particular. Yet, I am aware that what might be called the mystic ...

On Personal Relationships with God : ‘Maka-penomenolohiya’ of Father Ferriols, S.J. And The Mysticism of Meister Eckhart

I have never been the most religious person. This is a recent development in my life. It was around high school wherein I began doubting the existence of God. Questions always prop up at such a tender age. Whether He is as good as he makes Himself to be, whether or not He listens to my desperate ple...