Tag: Drinks

A Software Developer’s Favorite 5 Drinks

This blog has exclusive and in-depth access to a crack software developer. The Secret Developer has been pulled away from their keyboard for a short discussion about what drinks keep the engine going in the engineer, the Dork in Dvorak. That one doesn’t even make sense...

The Price of Ice: Paying a Premium for Cold Drinks in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, most restaurants charge extra money for cold drinks. Such a practice is rarely seen elsewhere. Many people argue that this practice is not reasonable—the drink is basically the same no matter hot or cold, the only difference is more ice cubes in cold drink. Are the restaurant own...

Kids are using soft drinks to fake positive COVID tests — I’ve worked out the science and how to spot it

First, I thought it best to check the claims, so I cracked open bottles of cola and orange juice, then deposited a few drops directly onto LFTs. Sure enough, a few minutes later, two lines appeared on each test, supposedly indicating the presence of the virus that causes COVID-19. It’s wort...