Tag: Downtime

Achieving Zero Downtime Deployments on AWS: A Game-Changer for Your Application

In today’s fast-paced digital world, uninterrupted service is crucial for the success of any application. Downtime not only inconveniences users but can also have a significant impact on your business. That’s where zero downtime deployments come in. In this blog post, we’ll explore...

Kubernetes: Zero Downtime Release Pattern

Introduction As is the nature of software, there will come a point where it’s required to deploy a bug fix or new features. Any Ops team will attest that a release is fraught with worry, that’s because performing a software release has the potential to introduce a new bug or even caus...

How To Use Downtime To Your Advantage

Now, this isn’t a call for excessive action. As much as pouring energy into fine-tuning your business or yourself sounds great, if your cup is empty you have nothing to offer. If you’re feeling burnt out then use this time to work on being gentle on yourself, so you can come out of this ...