Tag: DOM

Do Stuff with the DOM

For beginners learning JavaScript, I want to explain the HTML DOM. Coding can be thought of as just ‘stuff’ doing ‘stuff’ to other ‘stuff’. Of course, what that ‘stuff’ is is the fun part. When developing something, we must interface with something. My...

Trust the Framework: Balancing React Performance and Productivity

In the React community, there’s often a buzz around re-renders. But here’s the thing: re-renders aren’t inherently bad. In fact, React’s fundamental design is built upon the concept of re-rendering components when state or props change. The official React documentation emp...

Understanding the DOM: Unveiling the Magic of Web Development!

ave you ever marveled at the seamless interactivity of your favorite websites, where buttons react to your clicks, images pop up with a touch, and content dynamically rearranges itself to fit your screen? If you’ve ever wondered how this digital sorcery is achieved, you’re in for a treat...

Vite-React + React-Router-Dom: The latest way!!

The short story is that I was following just another e-commerce tutorial and found out that most of them are OUTDATED so I challenged myself to find how to resolve the puzzle with the latest versions of everything. I must mention that the tutorial I am using is from 2021 so it seems that is very,...