Tag: document

Type @ to Insert

Picture it. 90 minutes ago you took an edible and now you’re high as fuck. You’re in a bad mood because another project fell apart. You’re frustrated, you’re sad, you’re angry… but then something happens, and you’re inspired. You’re inspired to do som...

Document Your Domain

In the following chapters, we’re going to go through the life cycle of creating an application from scratch. We won’t be writing any application code, but we will be documenting the important steps with diagrams. I’ve written the chapters roughly in the order I would go about each ...

6 Creative Ways to Document Your Life

I’ve always been a firm believer that memories and documenting memories are important. I understand the whole argument for being present at the moment and, for instance, not behind a camera but even being present there’s a lot that my mind doesn’t hold on to. When traveling or site...

Effortless Document Comparison with CaseGPT: Your AI Legal Assistant

Greetings, legal enthusiasts! Navigating the complexities of legal documents, contracts, and agreements can be a daunting task, even for seasoned professionals like myself. With numerous clauses, intricate legalese, and fine print to contend with, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. However, I&rs...

The Magic Behind the Screen: Embracing the WYSIWYM Paradigm in Document Creation

Hey there! Let’s dive into the world of document editing and talk about the cool concept of WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean). It’s like the backstage pass to your documents, where you focus on the content and meaning, and let the software worry about making it look pretty. So, ...