Tag: Dockerfile

The Last Dockerfile You Need for NestJS

In this article  We’ll write a docker multi-stage build together.  We’ll discover how to use the docker file in development and production.  We’ll apply some of the best practices recommended by the Docker team. Let’s go. First, let’s th...

Replace Dockerfile with Buildpacks

Introduction In the world of containerization, where efficiency, speed, and simplicity are paramount, Buildpacks have emerged as a powerful tool that can revolutionize the process of creating Docker images for your projects. Unlike traditional approaches that require laborious Dockerfile creation...

The Last Dockerfile You Need for NestJS

The “dev” Stage It’s fairly straightforward. All we need to do is to install npm dependencies and apply some of the best practices: We’ll use “node:alpine” as the based image to produce minimal image size. We’ll install missing shared li...

Creating the Perfect Python Dockerfile

In a previous project, I built an elastic transcoder farm that used Docker (Alpine), Python, and FFmpeg. Since the system had to be very cost-efficient, I wanted to make sure the underlying docker image wasn’t creating too much overhead. After some research, I stumbled upon this ...