Tag: DIY

A DIY Approach to Tech — my Tech journey…

I did my entire schooling in a Special school — with every kid (including myself) — having various types and degrees of disability. Back in our school days, we had absolutely no access to Technology. There was no internet, no smartphones nothing. In the mid 80’s — TV was the ...

DIY Biohackers: How They Are Changing the Face of Biotechnology

Genetic engineering and biological experimentation are no longer confined to the walls of academic or industrial laboratories. Thanks to the advances in biotechnology and the availability of low-cost equipment and reagents, a growing number of enthusiasts are conducting their own experiments at home...

How I Learned Japanese Quickly: A DIY Linguist’s Guide to Mastering Any Language

Let’s get this clear, yes, I’m a linguist, no I’m not a pro. And I know as a linguist I also have a lot of advantages. But that’s what I want to share with you so you can save time and stress. This is about efficient language acquisition, my friends. My Japanese language j...