Tag: Divide

The Dress, the Democracy, the Divide

The Dress You, of course, remember the Dress, the social phenomenon that was so shocking and memorable, it actually usurped use of a common word. Say “The Dress” to anyone old enough to remember it, and they’ll likely know what you’re talking about. (If you haven&rsqu...

The Dress, the Democracy, the Divide

You, of course, remember the Dress, the social phenomenon that was so shocking and memorable, it actually usurped use of a common word. Say “The Dress” to anyone old enough to remember it, and they’ll likely know what you’re talking about. (If you haven’t heard of ...

America’s Oldest Divide

In their effort to create a union, the delegates at the Constitutional Convention had to negotiate many contentious, deal-breaking issues. Slavery was chief among them. Southern states made clear that they would not vote to ratify a constitution that abolished slavery or ended the slave trade. North...

Data Divide Part 4: The Societal Impact of the Data Divide

Data has become more than just a valuable resource; it’s a cornerstone of modern society. However, the stark reality is that not all segments of society have equal access to, or benefit from, this data-empowered landscape. This disparity is often referred to as the Data Divide, and its re...

‘Divide and Conquer’ Isn’t Just a Phrase…

Does the phrase ‘Divide and conquer’ mean anything to you? Does it at least sound familiar? I thought as much. When you think about it, what comes to mind? A strategy used by monarchs and presidents alike in the past, but do you still see its effects in modern society. You migh...

Indigenous Voice to Parliament — Will It Divide Australia?

In the next 6 months Australians are required by law to vote in a national referendum. We will be asked if we support the creation of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. This Voice to Parliament will be an advisory body comprising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, to represent the vi...

Advancing our Future Within the Digital Divide

The evolution of technology has been a boon in our daily lives. Through these innovations, we pay our bills, check emails, and stay connected to our friends and family. The basis for all these actions depends on two circumstances: having access to a capable device and connecting that device to the I...