Tag: Distributions

Best Linux Distributions

There are many Linux-based operating systems, so it can be difficult to find the right one. Ratings also do not always reflect the essence, because popular does not mean the best: there are Linux distributions that are built on the principle of “install and run”, and somewhere you can&rs...

Life Outside the Normal Distribution

Humans like regularity. Our brains drive us to seek out that which is predictable. If we could have our way, then everything would fall into neat categories. Unfortunately, the universe does not work this way. Nature is chaotic and scattered. Scientists must constantly work with randomness and try t...

Probability Distributions in Python: A Practical Guide for Beginners

Probability distributions are an essential component of statistical analysis in many fields, including finance, economics, engineering, and social sciences. Probability distributions provide a mathematical representation of the likelihood of different outcomes in a given scenario. Understanding prob...

Modelling the probability distributions of dice

If you have ever played the game of Catan you’ll quickly realise that when rolling two dice the number 7 is very common! This brought up a question, which is as follows: What is the true probability of rolling a sum of 7 with two 6-sided dice? Moreover, what is the probability of rolling a ...

Probability Theory #14: Poisson Distribution

The Poisson Distribution is a discrete probability distribution. This type of distribution represents values that are not continuous, appearing as whole numbers on the x-axis. Thus, in our data, we will not observe decimal values. It’s essential to understand that we do not artificially con...

Professionally Visualize Data Distributions in Python

Exploratory data analysis and data visualization often includes inspecting a dataset’s distribution. Doing so provides important insights into the data, such as identifying the range, outliers or unusual groupings, the data’s central tendency, and skew within the data. Comparing subsets ...

Life Outside the Normal Distribution

Humans like regularity. Our brains drive us to seek out that which is predictable. If we could have our way, then everything would fall into neat categories. Unfortunately, the universe does not work this way. Nature is chaotic and scattered. Scientists must constantly work with randomness and try t...

Statistics: Probability Distributions

Random Variable: All possible outcomes of a random experiment are random variables. A random variable set is denoted by X. Discrete Distributions Bernoulli Distribution We have a single trial (only one observation) and 2 possible outcomes. For example, flipping a coin. Let’s...

Probability Distributions in Python: A Practical Guide for Beginners

Probability distributions are an essential component of statistical analysis in many fields, including finance, economics, engineering, and social sciences. Probability distributions provide a mathematical representation of the likelihood of different outcomes in a given scenario. Understanding prob...