Tag: Distance

Dropping My Kid Off at College, I Run to Narrow the Distance Between Us

Outside my hotel, I wait for my Garmin to locate a signal through the dense canopy of skyscrapers. Meanwhile, I need time to find my own bearings. I glance left and right, but nothing registers: I’m lost before I even start my run. This is nothing new. Despite having visited New York C...

Dropping My Kid Off at College, I Run to Narrow the Distance Between Us

Outside my hotel, I wait for my Garmin to locate a signal through the dense canopy of skyscrapers. Meanwhile, I need time to find my own bearings. I glance left and right, but nothing registers: I’m lost before I even start my run. This is nothing new. Despite having visited New York C...

How I decided to hike — up, down and (almost) over the hill — on France’s newest long-distance walk

Not many people can afford a midlife crisis these days. Even fewer admit to having one. The very term, coined by Canadian psychoanalyst Elliott Jaques in 1965, feels anachronistic. When 50 is the new 40 and some 40-year-olds are only just setting out on the mission of motherhood or staying resolutel...

15 Tips for Successful Group Distance Healing

Every Friday, we hold a live Facebook session for distance healing in a group setting. Members who have participated for many group sessions and newcomers may both notice there are different parts of the process. The question here is: how do you participate as a patient? How do you allow yourself to...

How has the cosmic distance record progressed over time?

The Moon and planets sometimes occult stars, demonstrating that stars are farther. When one astronomical object occupies the same line-of-sight as another, an occultation will occur, as the “closer” object blocks the light that would otherwise be visible from the “farther&rd...

Manhattan Distance

Manhattan Distance in Matrices The same concept can also be applied in matrices- where the x1, x2, y1, and y2 denote the row numbers and column numbers of two cells respectively. In that case, the Manhattan Distance between any two cells namely c1 and c2 is — |x1-x2|+|y1-y2|. Applicatio...