Tag: Disable

Android Disable Dark Mode programmatically using java

1.Before onCreate insert the line to set dark mode set to no. @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode(AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_NO); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } ...

Disable Windows 11 Alert Sounds

Windows 11 plays different sounds for different events so you, the user, know what’s going on. They also notify you of any important reminders you’ve set or when your system requires your attention. But some notification and alert sounds are downright obnoxious. Consider the beepi...

Where is your attention right now? How to get it back.

Where is your attention right now? The human brain’s attention system is actually the success story of what makes us unique as human beings. Because attention fuels our ability to think, feel, and connect, what we pay attention to is our life. For a long time, through our evolutionary histo...

6 Genuine Ways That Autism And ADHD Disable Me

One of the ways that my autism disables me regularly is that I struggle with social communication and the social demands of society. In my home life, I struggle to initiate conversations with family and friends, make small talk, and feel very uncomfortable in large gatherings. I struggle to work in ...