Tag: Dimension

I Wore A White Belt To The Smoldering Dimension of Sore Losers

Kanō Jigoro was the legendary founder of Judo. He was small and unremarkable in stature yet tossed much larger opponents over his head with ease. He pioneered the central tenet of Judo: using someone’s weight against them. Kanō’s journey wasn’t easy in the beginning....

I Wore A White Belt To The Smoldering Dimension of Sore Losers

Kanō Jigoro was the legendary founder of Judo. He was small and unremarkable in stature yet tossed much larger opponents over his head with ease. He pioneered the central tenet of Judo: using someone’s weight against them. Kanō’s journey wasn’t easy in the beginning....

I Wore A White Belt To The Smoldering Dimension of Sore Losers

Kanō Jigoro was the legendary founder of Judo. He was small and unremarkable in stature yet tossed much larger opponents over his head with ease. He pioneered the central tenet of Judo: using someone’s weight against them. Kanō’s journey wasn’t easy in the beginning....

I Wore A White Belt To The Smoldering Dimension of Sore Losers

Kanō Jigoro was the legendary founder of Judo. He was small and unremarkable in stature yet tossed much larger opponents over his head with ease. He pioneered the central tenet of Judo: using someone’s weight against them. Kanō’s journey wasn’t easy in the beginning....

I Wore A White Belt To The Smoldering Dimension of Sore Losers

Kanō Jigoro was the legendary founder of Judo. He was small and unremarkable in stature yet tossed much larger opponents over his head with ease. He pioneered the central tenet of Judo: using someone’s weight against them. Kanō’s journey wasn’t easy in the beginning....

Mr Micawber and the Ethical Dimension of Economics

It is possible to state the most basic of economic principles in terms of simple arithmetic. Few have expressed it better than Dickens, through the words of his character Mr Micawber, in his advice to the young David Copperfield. Joseph, in the old testament, offered related advice to the leaders...

Poem: Goddess of the Love, Smiling within an Alternate Dimension of Amusement

into the eyes of an angelic eternal lover, beating heart smiling, arms extending, bountifully floating unifying, upwards, as a beautifully smart winged being guiding, mindfully, questioning as the greatest goddess of love and light laughs loud, talking daily, sharing willfully, and questioning...

The Unexplored Dimension of the Universe

When I was a long-term fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, it struck me that mathematicians, physicists, historians and sociologists all share the same dining hall, consume the same food, but produce completely different papers. The intellectual products of these scholars ...

Time — The 4th Dimension no one talks enough about.

Unfortunately the 4th Dimension isn’t as easy to comprehend as the other 3 Dimensions. You can guess why. It’s because it’s impossible to observe the fourth dimension the same way we observe the third, second or first dimensions. Even though scientists have tried to come...

What Is The Fifth Dimension, And Where Did It Come From?

Kick a cube across the floor. Hard. In the few seconds it’s in motion for, you’re seeing four dimensions in play. The first three are hight, width, and depth. You can see these on the cube itself, you don’t even need to kick it to get a feel for them. The last one is time, and you ...

Time — a spacetime dimension, a human construct, or a nonexistent reality?

The concept of time has been used for thousands of years to measure and track the duration of events and the sequence in which they occur. It is a linear progression of moments that seem to move from the past, through the present, and into the future. However, the experience of time can vary greatly...

What Is The Fifth Dimension, And Where Did It Come From?

Kick a cube across the floor. Hard. In the few seconds it’s in motion for, you’re seeing four dimensions in play. The first three are hight, width, and depth. You can see these on the cube itself, you don’t even need to kick it to get a feel for them. The last one is time, and you ...


TIME is not real. It is a man-made construct developed by us, humans. It assists us in distinguishing between the present and past tense, according to an equally astonishing and perplexing notion. Time is an illusion created by human memory; everything that has ever been and will ever be is happe...

Computer Vision 3D: Into the Unknown Dimension

Computer vision aims to provide computers with a form of sight similar to human vision. Many projects in this field focus on extracting 2D information from images, such as identifying objects or determining human poses. However, our perception of the world is not in pixels but in meters (or fee...