Tag: Diamonds

The Downfall Of Diamonds | 5 Beautiful Reasons To Get A Moissanite Engagement Ring

Do you know the easiest way to cut the value of a diamond in half? Buy it. While that’s supposed to be a joke, it’s also a true fact — and one that many diamond owners have found out just a little too late. “Diamonds are forever,” we’re told — but t...

Impact Diamonds: Beauty and Science

Impact diamonds: A unique type of diamond that tells a story of extreme conditions Diamonds have been known for their beauty, rarity and durability for centuries, but did you know that there is a type of diamond that tells a story of extreme conditions? These are called impact diamonds. Impact...

Unveiling the Mystery: How Diamonds Reach the Earth's Surface? Find Out Now!

Where do diamonds occur the most? Two primary sources of naturally occurring diamonds are Kimberlite rocks and alluvial deposits. Kimberlite rocks are formed in old volcanic pipes and typically host the majority of diamonds. Rivers, streams, and waterfalls carry these rocks, and diamond cry...