Tag: Devotion

Marian Devotion and the Jewish Gospel (Toledot Yeshu) in Eighteenth Century Amsterdam

While cataloguing Yiddish manuscripts from the Netherlands I noted the peculiarity of the Toledot Yeshutradition and decided to consider the manuscripts of this Jewish life of Jesus in a distinct chapter.1Whereas the origins of this polemical narrative remain debated, its enduring popularity through...

A Manifestation of Love and Devotion

As we begin this new year, John 14:21–23 reminds us of the significant connection between our love for Christ and obedience to His commandments. Our love for God is not limited to our emotions for Him; it is primarily demonstrated by abiding by His commands. Then, God manifests Hi...

Unveiling the Wisdom and Devotion of Rabi’a al-Adawiyya’s Life and Poetry

A teacher of both women and men, she made significant contributions to the development of Sufism, especially when it comes to devotional love. After being freed from slavery, she came to live a free, independent life, beholden to no man or master. As such, she was way ahead of her time. Rabi&rsqu...