Tag: Description

A Brief Introduction to Audio Description

A Brief Introduction to Audio Description I have been blind since birth, and watch movies with audio description (AD). Audio description is used in movies, television shows, live events, and more, to provide details about unspoken events unfolding within the material. Audio descriptions are recor...

How to write an image description

An image description is a written caption that describes the essential information in an image. Image descriptions can define photos, graphics, gifs, and video — basically anything containing visual information. Providing descriptions for imagery and video are required as part of WCAG 2.1 (...

A Poetic Description of Gaia

Imagine the difficulty of creating an environment in which everything depends on everything else, and then on top of that, you must allow for free will. Humans can join together to bring peace, and stop the damage we are doing to the delicate, intricate balance of life on Earth that was pa...

A Brief Description of McDonaldization

The theory of McDonaldization refers to the process by which principles of the fast-food industry have spread to and begun to dominate various aspects of society. This concept highlights the standardization of society with efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control which are often ass...