Tag: Deploying

Deploying and fine tuning LLMs in AWS for job listing summarisation

It is not only OpenAI GPT models that glitter, and even more so when it comes to summarisation. That is the journey that we embarked on a few months ago when we started to work on the topic of job listing summarisation. StepStone, one of the world’s leading job platforms, has for a long tim...

Deploying Python Applications to Azure

As a cloud engineer who’s also a dabbler in building applications at home, I’ve taken a big interest recently in how we can take the local prototypes & applications built by techies and turn them into valuable tools available to other members of an organisation, particularly when loo...

Data Engineering Project — IMDB Movie Analysis

In this article, I will create a data pipeline for transferring and analyzing movie data from IMDb. The data pipeline will be created using the following tools: Data ingestion: Web scraping from IMDB using Python Data storage: Google BigQuery Data analysis: DBT Data visualization: Pow...

Deploying a YouTube Clone App with DevSecOps and Jenkins Shared Library

Hello and welcome!  Ready to create a YouTube clone that’s rock-solid and feature-rich?  This blog is your gateway to a secure DevSecOps pipeline for your project. With Kubernetes, Docker, SonarQube, Trivy, OWASP Dependency Check, Prometheus, Grafana, Jenkins (and a shared library...

DevSecOps: Deploying the 2048 Game on Docker and Kubernetes with Jenkins CI/CD

Hello friends, we will be deploying a React Js 2048 Game. We will be using Jenkins as a CICD tool and deploying our application on a Docker container and Kubernetes Cluster. I Hope this detailed blog is useful. Youtube video : https://youtu.be/21Z-u8Fd_Mk?si=Ux4WabhFAxtYH9-g GitHub Repo :...

Terraform: Deploying Secure, Highly Available, and Fault-Tolerant Cloud Infrastructures

Introduction Having a robust and reliable cloud infrastructure is crucial for businesses to deliver seamless services to their customers. High availability and fault tolerance are two essential components of such an infrastructure. In order to achieve this, many organizations turn to infrastructu...

Deploying a Next.js App manually on AWS EC2: A Step-by-Step Guide

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, modern frameworks like Next.js have revolutionized how we build user interfaces. Next.js, a React framework, offers a seamless experience for building server-rendered and statically-generated React applications. Its ability to enhance performance, S...

Deploying Terraform using GitHub actions

When working with AWS services I have been using Terraform as my Infra As Code. In the project I am currently working on I have a CI/CD pipeline for deploying project code using GitHub actions. However, I would now like to extend my pipeline to deploy any infrastructure changes when there are any. ...

Deploying 2-Tier Architecture in AWS using Terraform Modules

Hello Devops Practitioners!!, In this article, I have deployed a 2 Tier Garage and Car Buying Application using Terraform Modules. In all my previous Blogs I have talked About how we can leverage the power of Terraform Provisioning in different scenarios and Projects. One such scenario is when you w...

Deploying Containerized AWS Lambda functions with Terraform

In Simple AWS Lambda Deployment with Terraform, I demonstrated how to deploy a class of AWS Lambda functions I call the simple lambda function. Simple lambda functions are deployed by packaging source code as a zip archive and uploading it directly to the AWS Lambda service. These functions ten...

Terraform Cloud Project Bootcamp with Andrew Brown — 2.5.0 Deploying to Terratowns

1. Deploy to Missingo In the previous episode, we were testing the environment locally in Gitpod workspace. Now we want to deploy our terratown_homes to actual TerraTown. The town Missingo is a test town for campers to test-deploy our homes. Let’s do this. The fi...

Deploying React Application in Kubernetes Cluster with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler using Terraform

Infrastructure as Code is using the files/code to drive or manage your IT infrastructure rather than physically doing it. IAC solves major pain issues of the company i.e. Management, Cost, Scalability, availability, and lesser discrepancies. IAC is very fast as we use the declarative approach i...

DevOps (Lab-2)-Deploying a Java application using Maven and Tomcat

Hi everyone, I am back with another hand on DevOps lab. In this lab we will learn how to install Tomcat and deploy a Java application. In the last lab we installed, built and deployed an application using Maven. We will be building from the last lab in where we wi...