Tag: Density

The One Minute Geographer: New Jersey’s Population Density

One hundred percent of New Jersey’s population is metropolitan. As you can see on the map below, every county in the state is in a Census-defined metropolitan area. (I say Census as shorthand because metropolitan areas and other such divisions are defined by the Office of Management and Budget...

Introduction to Probability Density Functions

Understanding Probability Density Functions (PDFs) is foundational in the realm of statistics, probability, and investment. These mathematical functions are indispensable for studying continuous random variables. A Probability Density Function, while not a probability, offers deep insights into the ...

Histograms and Density Plots in Python

Plotting a single variable seems like it should be easy. With only one dimension how hard can it be to effectively display the data? For a long time, I got by using the simple histogram which shows the location of values, the spread of the data, and the shape of the data (normal, skewed, bimodal, et...

Bounded Kernel Density Estimation

Anintuitive idea is to assume that the density function from which the samples are drawn is smooth, and leverage it to fill-in the gaps of our high frequency histogram. This is precisely what the Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) does. It estimates the global density as the average of local density...

Power Density/Irradiance in Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy, also known as low-level light therapy or photobiomodulation, is a non-invasive, painless, and effective treatment that uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate healing and regeneration in cells and tissues. It has been used for a variety of conditions, including skin disorder...