Tag: Defining

Playing Field: My Go-to Method for Defining Success

When facilitating teams embarking upon strategic work, one of the most important alignment exercises you can cover is defining what success looks like. Teams tend to get into a lot of trouble when they get too far down the road without first tackling this step because success looks diff...

Defining the D.I.Y Scene

I’m a social journalism student at the City University of New York’s Graduate School of Journalism, working with the Do It Yourself music scene in the greater New York area. While “D.I.Y” has been used to describe the underground music scene for years, it’s hard to desc...

The Origins of Whiteness

Defining whiteness is like defining air; it is all around. You are so accustomed to its existence that you mostly pay no attention to it except on a particularly windy day. It is typically benign, but during a tornado or hurricane, it can cause considerable damage or death. Whiteness is usually unno...

Are We Defining Ourselves As Sick?

This might twist people the wrong way. I’m going to drop some truth bombs up in here about how medicalizing every damn aspect of human existence might actually be making us less healthy. Yes, there are some legitimate ailments that are newly discovered because our science has just c...