Tag: Debugging

Xcode Breakpoints Improve Your Debugging with Better

The simplest definition would say a breakpoint is a marker in your code to intentionally pause your app if the code is encountered at runtime. If you just click on the gutter to add one in Xcode, that’s true. However, breakpoints are capable of much more. Looking at breakpoints fr...

A Collection of Docker Images To Solve All Your Debugging Needs

Whenever I troubleshoot anything container-related, I look for a good container image containing the right tools to troubleshoot and/or solve the problem. However, finding such an image, or assembling my own, is time-consuming and honestly just way too much effort. So, to save you and me the hass...

Debugging My Life as an Engineering Manager With ADHD

I was always a software engineer first and never planned (or wanted) to become a manager. Dealing with software seemed much easier than dealing with people. Working on hard technical problems felt natural, but dealing with emotional matters and nuances in communication always bothered me. However...

Debugging My Life as an Engineering Manager With ADHD

I was always a software engineer first and never planned (or wanted) to become a manager. Dealing with software seemed much easier than dealing with people. Working on hard technical problems felt natural, but dealing with emotional matters and nuances in communication always bothered me. However...

Local Development with AWS Lambda and NestJS: Docker Debugging and Hot Reload

If you’ve ever worked with C#, Azure Functions, and Visual Studio, you know the comfort. Click here, debug there, drop in Docker with a single click — it’s smooth sailing. Visual Studio does a lot behind the scenes, making our dev life so easy. But step into AWS Lambdas and Node...

A Collection of Docker Images To Solve All Your Debugging Needs

Whenever I troubleshoot anything container-related, I look for a good container image containing the right tools to troubleshoot and/or solve the problem. However, finding such an image, or assembling my own, is time-consuming and honestly just way too much effort. So, to save you and me the hass...