Tag: DDD

Backend side architecture evolution (N-layered, DDD, Hexagon, Onion, Clean Architecture)

Hola! So you want to be an architect, don't ya? Don’t lie to me, I know you do. Even if you don’t, you still want to be a better developer. Otherwise, you would not spend time reading this article  It is commendable. After all, we all want to be better if not the best in what...

Practical DDD in TypeScript: Factory

Some software developers provide a bunch of superfast code, destroying the scrum board. The two-week-long sprints start on Wednesday, and by Friday morning they already finished all their tasks. I’ve seen this multiple times. And each team needs at least one such girl or a guy to be able to...

Building SaaS with DDD & Clean Architecture in Python — Issue 1

It's been a few weeks, and I decided to work on a SaaS application — I had a bunch of ideas for some time now and was looking to focus on a problem space worth solving. I chose Python as the programming language, as I felt a bit rusty — I have been a Node.js developer for a while ...

Practical DDD in TypeScript: Repository

There are not many segments of software development that scare me, except integrations with other systems. Writing code for some business logic today looks easy with Domain-Driven Design. However, writing code on the Infrastructure Layer to integrate some external system like 3rd party API, cachi...