Tag: Dates

How to Fix Missing Dates for Time Series Analysis

My goal for this article is to help you understand TVFs and how to use them by walking you through an example that addresses the missing date issue common in time series analysis. In some situations, dates with zero data are important and must be shown/included in your dataset. For example: ...

I Went on 13 First Dates in 6 Weeks.

You know how when you were sixteen, you thought finding love was going to be simple? You’d meet someone in college, you’d have a happy relationship, and you’d marry them. There was never a question about the future — everything was as clear as a Disney happy ending where ever...

Why are Ajwa dates special in Islam?

As Muslims, we have long admired the importance of dates within our religion. Among them, Ajwa dates stand out for their special significance. They’re not just delicious; they hold a cherished place in Islam’s history and spirituality, symbolizing blessings and herita...