Tag: Daniel

Daniel Richter in five works

Lonely Old Slogans brings together paintings by Daniel Richter from the 1990s through to 2015. Throughout his career, a key preoccupation for Richter is how painting can respond to the social and political reality of the time. This has led to radical formal and aesthetic shifts across his work,...

Daniel Madariaga — Mobility And Sustainable Practices

An Entrepreneur Who Had Made It His Business To Push Forward The Causes Of Mobility, And Sustainability Daniel Madariaga is a businessman from Mexico who has been making a major impact within the realms of mobility, and sustainable practices. His efforts have earned him a place of respect within ...

His Name Was Daniel. He Could Have Been My Son.

As some of you know due to my recently published Medium series on the matter, I unexpectedly lost my wife, Lorie Girsh-Eisenberg, last month from a hemorrhagic stroke caused by the bursting of an undetected aneurysm. I have since found myself experiencing a veritable parade of reflective thoughts...

The future of Legaltech | Daniel Porus, Chief Commercial Officer, Legatics

In an era where technological advances are reshaping industries, the legal sector is no exception. The quickly advancing applications of Generative AI to the legal industry marks a significant leap forward. Law firms, in-house legal teams, incumbent legal technology providers and new upstarts are al...

Why isn’t the media praising Montgomery Alabama like they did Daniel Penny?.

Daniel Penny Murdered a Black Man in front an entire subway of people, and the media has hailed him as a hero. The facts are that Jordan Neely the Man that was murdered in cold blood showed no threat to anyone who was on that subway. It’s just another case of a white supremacist taking t...

Amerikkka created many Lovell Mixons, yet they only celebrate Daniel Pennys.

On May 1st, 2023, a white supremacist choked a Black man named Jordan Neely to death in front of subway passengers as they were on their way home from work and other errands. His murder was recorded for the world to see, and the legal systems, the media, and your government are doing everything t...

Daniel Sherrell’s Warmth

“Downpour”comes to mind because the book is beaded and episodic, recording Sherrell’s hours and days as a young climate activist coming to grips with all the feelings. But the drops cohere in sheets with clear contours. I’ll paraphrase some: Climate reality is ungraspable....

Country side, Daniel Lee's Winter

When I was a litte girl, my father worked from the capital to a city in the interior of the state. Since then I have always divided my life into two places. Not only were my habits divided, but my wardrobe was too. Clothes to wear in the city and clothes to wear in the countryside. And when I became...