Tag: Curse

The Writer’s Curse

Max Wordly sat by the fireplace writing feverishly. Thoughts flooded him, on this cold night, pouring into his mind as if it were a broken dam. He crumpled up another coffee cup and threw it next to the others without taking his pen from the paper. If an outsider were to peek inside, it would loo...

The Curse of the Indie Game Developer

When it comes to great feats of coding, it’s hard to match the difficulty, creativity, and sheer audacity of building a modern computer game entirely on your own. Ambitious, yes. Lonely, definitely. Crazy — well, let’s just say that you won’t get far unless you manage to igno...

Breaking the Curse: The Red Sox’s Historic 2004 World Series Victory

2004 holds a tale of triumph that resonated far beyond the confines of Fenway Park. The Boston Red Sox, a team steeped in a legacy of heartbreak and near-misses, shattered the storied “Curse of the Bambino” by clinching the World Series championship for the first time since 1918. This ed...

Reading Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age, you can laugh about the antics of our youth, curse about the…

The process of self-exploration is fundamental for Crow’s Feet writers, and we welcome beginners and the experienced. However, as a publication editor chosen to be part of Medium’s Boost pilot program, I have the privilege of nominating five stories for wider distribution each week. Medi...