Tag: Currency

Why The U.S. Dollar’s Reserve Currency Status Is Safe

The U.S.’ dollars (USD) reserve currency status seems as safe today as it’s ever been over the past decade or so — inflation is down, the U.S. economy is strong, and the most important reason: competitor currencies look less attractive by the day. It’s great being the coun...

Why The U.S. Dollar’s Reserve Currency Status Is Safe

The U.S.’ dollars (USD) reserve currency status seems as safe today as it’s ever been over the past decade or so — inflation is down, the U.S. economy is strong, and the most important reason: competitor currencies look less attractive by the day. It’s great being the coun...

Editing currency TextFields in Jetpack Compose

Working on Android with currencies is fairly easy. There are built-in components that tell what is the default currency for our device, currency formatters, etc. Displaying currencies is easy. However, I have stumbled upon a challenge working on a new app feature. I had to make a TextField that d...

SwiftUI: Format Currency the Easy Way

Displaying (or accepting) a number as currency in a Text field is a common thing that we want to do in SwiftUI. In the example below, we set a State variable for holding the amount that we want to display, and use the format option to convert it to the users local currency. We are setting a fall bac...

Hong Kong is central to China’s capital markets ecosystem, but is a digital currency?

Western visitors returning to China for face-to-face meetings will find a country as keen to attract outside investment as it is to develop a self-sufficient financial and technological ecosystem. Hong Kong’s role in this complex process seems more important than before; it has noticed a ...