Tag: Costs

Hidden Costs of Unoptimized Terraform Projects

Unoptimized Terraform projects can easily lead to efficiency setbacks and veiled financial repercussions. As you contemplate scaling your infrastructure, the significance of optimization can’t be overstated. Without it, your business could be headed towards an unexpected cost surge, the eff...

My First month in Prague: Opinion about living costs and services

Hey friends, welcome to a new article. If you’re new here my name’s Davide, I am an Italian software Engineer working at Microsoft, currently based in Prague (Czech Republic). Today, we will talk about my opinion about Prague (Czech Republic), analyzing it from a business point o...

Implicit Costs of AI: Environmental Impact

There is no secret that artificial intelligence is a resource-hungry technology due to the overwhelmingly exorbitant amounts of energy required to ensure the sustainable running of supercomputers. The ones, undoubtedly, are needed to store and process the enormous volume of content for machinery lea...

Can Big Pharma and PBMs Coexist, or Are Costs Squeezing Them Out?

Big Pharma, representing pharmaceutical manufacturers, plays a pivotal role in drug discovery, development, and production. Its innovations have led to life-saving treatments and groundbreaking therapies, yet the industry is often criticized for its pricing strategies and perceived lack of transpare...