Tag: Continent

Experts Identify a Sunken Eighth Continent

We’re taught many things about the world in school, from geography to science and math. Then we continue on with our lives without thinking much about any of it. But scientists continue discovering things that jostle what we once learned, and suddenly our school-day knowledge about the world i...

The First Continent

Where did the ground we walk on come from? As humans, we tend to take land for granted, despite the fact that, even today, it covers only about a third of the Earth’s surface. What’s more, land is largely two-dimensional. With the exception of tiny burrowing beasts, most of our activity ...

Earth’s long, lost, and hidden continent

Stories of the submerged continent of Atlantis are often heard. Tales of a perfect society with descendants from the Greek gods that were deemed to pay for their ambition and therefore had their entire continent sunk into the ocean are no more than a very creative idea brought by Plato to ...

This Is the World’s “Eighth Continent” (Sort Of)

Ifwe think about it, the Earth is crazy. First of all, seismic waves are rattling within, suggesting that the surface of the Earth is moving. This, combined with the water in our oceans and atmosphere, means that the rocks are constantly changing. Additionally, instead of the few dozen minerals...