Tag: consistency

Instacart’s Item Availability Architecture: Solving for scale and consistency.

This blog post is the last segment in a three-part series that outlines our innovative approach to overcoming inventory challenges, delving into the application of product design, machine learning, and engineering technology. Here are Part-1 and Part-2 of the series if you want t...

The Power of Consistency

In the journey of life, consistency acts as the driving force that propels us towards our goals and dreams. It bridges the gap between mere potential and remarkable achievements. As the famous proverb goes, “Consistency is the key to success.” Let us delve into the realm of consistenc...

Consistency: Specific Strategies for Building it — Part 2

In the previous part of this series, we discussed the importance of consistency and how it can help you achieve your goals. But let’s be honest: maintaining consistency is easier said than done. It’s a journey riddled with challenges. In this part, we’ll discuss some specific strat...

Embracing Consistency: The Art of Repetition in Teaching

In teaching, you spend a lot of time repeating yourself. You feel like a record stuck on repeat. Every. Day. The kids don’t always listen to you. Even when they look like they are, they often daydream about something else… I used to be one of those kids. It becomes even more fr...


Holla… Since 2021, ouch! So much for consistency. The last thing I remember working on(relating to school) before the ASUU strike is my geological field report. Let’s dive into the format for writing a detailed geological field report. First, the title page, which includes;...

How I Turned ‘Comment ça va?’ into a Consistency Superpower!”

In the bustling landscape of everyday life, I found myself intrigued by the idea of learning French. Armed with nothing more than a smartphone and a longing for linguistic adventure, I set off on a Duolingo-powered quest to conquer the enchanting language of love. What started as a casual interes...