Tag: Conclusions

Draw Little Conclusions, Not Big Ones

Not too long ago, I received a note from a woman who had just returned to work after having her second child. While she had managed life with one baby quite well, juggling two little ones and a burgeoning workload was wearing her out. After a rough patch of limited sleep, she wrote me that even thou...

Possibility Without Conclusion

When my husband and I moved here, we wound up on a chestnut orchard that had fallen into neglect. We’d spent about two seconds thinking about chestnuts prior to this landing. That first fall, the nuts fell, and we collected as many as we could, and it got its hooks in us. So we decided to try ...

The #1 Mistake New Growers Make When Drawing Conclusions

You name it, and there’s a brand new grower with an unqualified opinion. I don’t say this to beat up on new growers. Even 4 years in, I’m still very new to this. Sure, I can look at a spec sheet and point out the differences on a light. But my setup is nowhere close to ...