Tag: Composition

Exploring Advanced Component Patternsin React: Render Props, Component Composition, and Hooks

In the dynamic realm of React development, mastering component patterns is important to wielding a craftsman’s toolkit. Just as a skilled carpenter selects the right tools for each task, a proficient React developer chooses the most suitable patterns to construct elegant and efficient user int...

JavaScript’s Currying Cookbook: Unlocking the Power of Function Composition

Hello everyone! I’m Dhananjay Pant, and today I want to talk to you about something really cool in JavaScript called “currying”. Currying may sound like a complex term, but I promise you, it’s a powerful and incredibly useful technique that can make your code more modular and...

¡Stop passing props between React components! Apply composition pattern

Passing props between React components is a common practice when building complex applications. While it works well for small-scale applications, it can quickly become unmanageable as the application grows larger. Passing props down several levels of components can make it diffic...

The Oldest Complete Musical Composition: Song of Seikilos

I am sure hearing that Seikilos is the second oldest song makes you wonder about the oldest one. The oldest piece of music, possessing both the words and the musical notes is the “Hurrian hymn to Nikkal”. The hymn was written on clay tablets of 3500 years, was unearthed in the 1950s in t...