Tag: Components

WebSockets and React: WSContext and Components Subscription Pattern

In the dynamic world of web development, creating engaging user experiences in real-time is crucial. While conventional HTTP requests are great for static content, they lack interactivity. Enter WebSocket, a protocol allowing two-way communication over one TCP connection. When paired with ...

How to Publish React Components: The Right Way

At the heart of React’s power lies its component-based architecture, which allows developers to construct intricate applications by piecing together reusable building blocks known as React components. These components encapsulate functionality, styles, and behaviors, promoting code reusab...

The Hidden Power of Custom States For Web Components

In my previous articles “Web Components Can Now Be Native Form Elements” and “Native Form Validation Of Web Components”, I wrote about the ElementInternals property that enables Custom Elements to be associated with a form. This interface also enables developers ...

Mastering React Components, Props, and JSX for Beginners

In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into the fundamentals of React, focusing on components, props, and JSX. Using a hotel menu example, we’ll learn how to create reusable UI components, pass data through props, and leverage JSX to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Whether yo...

The Basics of React Props for Beginners

React applications are developed using independent and reusable components. These components can be nested within another component, thereby creating parent and child components. The purpose of this tutorial is on props. Props is an important React tool that helps with the flow of data from the p...

Separating Business Logic from UI Components in React 18

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it has undergone significant improvements in recent versions. With React 18, developers now have even more powerful tools to separate business logic from UI components effectively. This article will explore the benefits of decou...

Building an ECS #1: Where are my Entities and Components

This is the first in a series of posts about how to build an Entity Component System. Each post will cover a different part of the design and turn it inside out, so that at the end of each post you will have enough information to implement one yourself. In this first entry I will go over the data...

Balconies as design components

I was in Tel Aviv earlier this year and took the Bauhaus tour around the ‘White City’. A UNESCO heritage site of over 4,000 buildings built in the 1930’s in a locally adapted form of International Style architecture. The tour was good and the guide went into some nice details about...

The Crucial Components of an Ideal Laptop for Bioinformatics Analysts:2024

1. Processing Power: Enabling Computational Prowess In the fast-paced realm of bioinformatics, the ability to process extensive biological data swiftly is paramount. A laptop equipped with a robust, multi-core processor, such as the Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7, is essential. These processor...

6 ways to dynamically style Angular components

Writing style that updates based on a component’s state is a really common pattern on the web. There are several ways to dynamically update your styling depending on what you want to do. Let’s look at a few. Class and Style directives Using ngClass The simplest wa...