Tag: Component

5 Must-Have Tools for Building Web Applications with Next.js App Router

The introduction of the Pages Router took center stage with the release of Next.js 11. This routing mechanism quickly became the primary means of creating routes within Next.js applications. However, as the framework’s user base expanded, so did the complexity of the interfaces that developers...

Exploring Advanced Component Patternsin React: Render Props, Component Composition, and Hooks

In the dynamic realm of React development, mastering component patterns is important to wielding a craftsman’s toolkit. Just as a skilled carpenter selects the right tools for each task, a proficient React developer chooses the most suitable patterns to construct elegant and efficient user int...

Container Component | Design Patterns in React

In React, container components, also known as smart components, are a pattern used to separate concerns and manage the state and logic of a component. They serve as intermediaries between the data and the presentational components, often handling data fetching, state management, and passing dat...

New input binding for NgComponentOutlet

In Angular, you can create dynamic components using the NgComponentOutlet directive. However when your component has inputs, it was cumbersome to pass them through. In version 16.2.0-next.4, a new feature has been introduced, allowing you to bind your inputs much more easily. In this ar...

This Component Library Promises to Reduce Development Times

Reducing development time, that’s a bold statement. One that way too many tools have claimed in the past, but not one that many have actually achieved. Grommet is another component library/framework (they call themselves frameworks, we’ll see about that) that is adamant to make y...

The Anatomy of a Vue 3 Component

V ue 3 has made significant progress and reached a strong level of maturity with Composition API & Script Setup being the recommended and widely adopted syntax for writing our components. This differs from the options API, which was the preferred approach in Vue 2. Let's explore togeth...

A guide to Figma component properties

The best thing about Figma is that it is constantly improving. Time and again we are spoiled with new functionalities. Today I would like to introduce you to some of the latest additions to the Figma arsenal: the component properties. These new features will help bring your libraries a step closer t...

The Power of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) on Real-World Applications — EEG Example

Independent component analysis (ICA) is usually associated with dimensionality reduction tasks. However, the technique's most prominent application is separating linear contributions from the data, finding statistically independent components. For example, ICA is widely used as a tool to separat...