Tag: Compare

These World Cities Compare Themselves to San Francisco—And Some Are On Point

Across the globe a number of international cities refer to themselves as the “San Francisco of [insert country name].” And I can’t say that I blame them, given the quality of life, the overall awesomeness and the vanity of our fair city (even if our affordable housing situation lea...

Where would you go — London or New York for Christmas? Let us compare!

Maybe it’s Pogue’s song “Fairytale in Jew York” or the endless Christmas movies set in the Big Apple, but something about a New York Christmas appeals to us Brits. This is a growing trend as recent studies show a 10% increase in Dece...

Compare Dependency of Categorical Variables with Chi-Square Test (Stat-12)

Let’s make it a little bit easier with an example. Suppose you toss a coin 18 times. Generally, the probability of the outcome of head and tail is o.5. So, the probability says if you toss a coin 18 times, you should get 9 times head and 9 times tail. But you observed the occurrence of the hea...

How Does Your Body Count Compare to Others In Your State?

I do not normally interrupt young adults when they are talking. Listening to them discuss the world is fascinating and content-generating. I learn about all sorts of things just by listening to their conversations. These days, I am typically behind on current cultural trends. But this time, I sto...