Tag: comfortable

How senior product managers think differently

I often got asked how a product manager could get promoted to a more senior level. The truth is, getting a promotion is often a complicated game. Yes, your skills and achievements play a role, but so do other factors such as how much your manager cares about developing talents, how good and tenured ...

6 ways to help people feel more comfortable in meetings

Whether you’re leading a 60-minute meeting or a multi-day workshop, keeping people engaged and incentivized to contribute often boils down to one fundamental thing: comfort. Comfort is physical, mental and emotional. It’s applicable to introverts and extroverts. And it’s somethi...

What’s it like being Transgender?

When you’re transgender and you finally feel comfortable enough to tell the whole world you are transgender, you get asked a lot of questions. Below is a list of my all-time favorites: - How did you know you are transgender? - Are you sure you’re transgender…you never played...

7 Most Comfortable Pieces Of Clothing Ever

1. Classic Cotton T-Shirts The simple cotton t-shirt has become a staple in nearly everyone’s wardrobe and with good reason. Cotton is soft and breathable, easy to wash, and lasts a long time. Plus, the fabric is super comfortable and sleek on your skin, so cotton t-shirts work great as an ...

Are Sneakers Comfortable? Unlocking the Reality Behind Footwear Comfort

In the fast-paced world we live in, comfort has become a quintessential factor in our everyday lives, and it extends beyond just our sofas or beds. Comfortable footwear, particularly sneakers, has become a staple in many wardrobes. But the burning question remains: Are sneakers truly comfortable? Le...

Are Sneakers Comfortable? Unlocking the Reality Behind Footwear Comfort

Sneakers, once designed primarily for athletic purposes, have undergone a remarkable transformation over the years. What started as basic canvas shoes with rubber soles has evolved into a diverse range of styles, materials, and technologies aimed at enhancing both performance and comfort. Technol...