Tag: codebase

Rails Reflects for you A Brief on use of Reflection in Ruby on Rails codebase

Reflection is the ability of a program to introspect itself, providing insight into its own structure and behavior at runtime. It enables inquiring about classes, methods, and attributes and also supports dynamic code manipulation. There are methods in Ruby classes and objects that allow inspecti...

5 Kotlin Tips for a Cleaner Codebase

Kotlin offers a lot of useful concepts and structures that make it easy to write concise code. But when working in a team, the primary goal should be to write code that is easy to read, understand and maintain. We’re going to take a look at a few good practices that should maintain a healthier...

GPT-Engineer: Generate an Entire Codebase with 1 Prompt!

We’ve seen how ChatGPT can generate code for us. Then we’ve seen how Auto-GPT could make GPT-4 fully autonomous. And now we can build entire apps with one prompt with GPT-Engineer. How does it work? Simple, you only have to describe your project and GPT-Engineer will build i...

5 Kotlin Tips for a Cleaner Codebase

Kotlin offers a lot of useful concepts and structures that make it easy to write concise code. But when working in a team, the primary goal should be to write code that is easy to read, understand and maintain. We’re going to take a look at a few good practices that should maintain a healthier...