Tag: CO2

The Uncertain Plan To Pull CO2 Out Of The Air

Another hurricane just slammed into us here in Florida which, on its own, isn’t unusual. But we’ve seen increasingly hot weather and record setting water temperatures that are threatening to kill off our coral reefs. The threat of climate change is more real than ever and&nb...

Supercritical CO2 Is Useful, Not Miraculous And Has Clear Risks

There’s a lot to unpack here, so lets head back to the 19th century to figure out what the heck supercritical CO2 is. No, lets head back further to the ancient Greeks. And to be clear, it’s entirely probable that the ancient Chinese and ancient Arabians figured this out independently and...

3 ways to calculate CO2 emissions in shipping.

COVID 19 has marked our time of unprecedented crisis with the global economic shutdown, questioning the way our society operates from an economic and environmental point of view. But COVID 19 has also allowed us to see how well human beings can adapt to situations that leave them no choice but to...

Supercritical CO2 Is Useful, Not Miraculous And Has Clear Risks

There’s a lot to unpack here, so lets head back to the 19th century to figure out what the heck supercritical CO2 is. No, lets head back further to the ancient Greeks. And to be clear, it’s entirely probable that the ancient Chinese and ancient Arabians figured this out independently and...