Tag: Clone

Create a Clone of Yourself With a Fine-tuned LLM

This article aims to illustrate how to fine-tune a top-performing LLM efficiently and cost-effectively on a custom dataset. We will explore the utilization of the Falcon-7B model with LoRA adapters using Lit-GPT. Ever wondered what it would be like to have a digital twin? A virtual replica o...

Create a Clone of Yourself With a Fine-tuned LLM

This article aims to illustrate how to fine-tune a top-performing LLM efficiently and cost-effectively on a custom dataset. We will explore the utilization of the Falcon-7B model with LoRA adapters using Lit-GPT. Ever wondered what it would be like to have a digital twin? A virtual replica o...

Create a Clone of Yourself With a Fine-tuned LLM

This article aims to illustrate how to fine-tune a top-performing LLM efficiently and cost-effectively on a custom dataset. We will explore the utilization of the Falcon-7B model with LoRA adapters using Lit-GPT. Ever wondered what it would be like to have a digital twin? A virtual replica o...

Create a Clone of Yourself With a Fine-tuned LLM

This article aims to illustrate how to fine-tune a top-performing LLM efficiently and cost-effectively on a custom dataset. We will explore the utilization of the Falcon-7B model with LoRA adapters using Lit-GPT. Ever wondered what it would be like to have a digital twin? A virtual replica o...

Deploying a YouTube Clone App with DevSecOps and Jenkins Shared Library

Hello and welcome!  Ready to create a YouTube clone that’s rock-solid and feature-rich?  This blog is your gateway to a secure DevSecOps pipeline for your project. With Kubernetes, Docker, SonarQube, Trivy, OWASP Dependency Check, Prometheus, Grafana, Jenkins (and a shared library...

DevSecOps: Deploy Netflix Clone CI-CD with Monitoring

Hello friends, we will be deploying a Netflix clone. We will be using Jenkins as a CICD tool and deploying our application on a Docker container and Kubernetes Cluster and we will monitor the Jenkins and Kubernetes metrics using Grafana, Prometheus and Node exporter. I Hope this detailed blog is use...

Setup ssh key with git/github: Clone private repo using ssh

f you already have a rsa key pair, skip this step and use the same keys. Otherwise, use below command to generate a new public-private key pair. Works on windows, mac and linux. Replace [email protected] with your github email id. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "yourema...